4 Simple Tips How to Secure Your WiFi

When setting up your WiFi network for the first time, you can take some simple steps to boost its security right from the get-go. In this video, we will show how to prevent the risk of a cyberattack.

00:00 Intro
00:13 Password
00:33 WPA3
01:08 2.4 GHz vs. 5 GHz
01:28 WPS & UPnP
01:47 Outro

How to Secure Your WiFi

There are several different ways to secure your WiFi network. You can disable your router when not in use, change the administrator password, hide the SSID, and block unwanted traffic before it reaches your end devices. These measures will help you protect your WiFi network from casual hackers. Whether you use Wi-Fi or Ethernet cables, there are many ways to secure your network. Here are a few of the most common security solutions. You can also find more tips on how to secure your WiFi network.

Disconnect the router when it’s not in use

To secure your WiFi, it’s essential to make the default login credentials as hard to guess as possible. Most Wi-fi routers come with default usernames and passwords that are easy to hack. To keep your network safe, change these passwords to something more secure. The user name shouldn’t be personal, and should be accompanied by a strong password made up of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and alphanumeric characters.

To secure your WiFi, set up MAC filtering. MAC filtering helps to prevent unauthorized access by limiting the network to devices that have a particular MAC address. However, this feature is not completely secure, since a device faking a MAC address on the allow list can connect to the network using your password. This means that disabling MAC filtering isn’t enough to secure your WiFi.

Change the name of your Wi-Fi network. Some routers come with default names that give hackers information about the router’s model, so change it to something more memorable and secure. Don’t call your network “John’s Wi-Fi,” as this gives hackers a clear indication of your router model. Also, change the name of the DNS server, which will prevent hackers from tracking down your network.

Change the router’s administrator password

The administrator password on a router is the password used to log in to it and change settings. It should be very difficult to guess and not relate to your personal information. Ideally, the password should be at least eight characters long and contain letters, numbers, and special characters. To change the password, log in to the router’s admin console, select the settings tab, and then click on the “Change Password” button.

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If you’re unable to access the admin section, you can reset the administrator credentials by hard-resetting the router. To do this, push the reset button on the router and hold it for a few seconds. After the reset, change the administrator password. Stick the new password on a sticky note and secure it in a visible place. You can also use the reset button on the back of the router.

To change the administrator password on a router, first check the IP address. Sometimes, the IP address is ‘admin’. If it is not, try typing the IP address into your browser’s url column. If you don’t find the IP address, look for the administrator password. It usually starts with ‘pre-shared_key’. If you don’t know the admin password, contact Comcast technical support for help.

Block unwanted traffic before it reaches the end devices

While balancing the value of the internet and the ease of use, a successful approach to blocking unwanted traffic must account for the risks of misuse. Internet design is complex and requires a deep understanding of the various factors that affect the internet’s use and security. By blocking unwanted traffic before it reaches the end devices, you ensure that your internet traffic is protected from malicious threats. Below are five steps to blocking unwanted traffic before it reaches the end devices.

Internet operators and network owners must address the issue of unwanted traffic. It is the result of packets that consume resources and do not benefit the owners of those resources. To address this problem, the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) organised a workshop on Unwanted Internet Traffic (UIT) in March 2006. Participants included vendors, researchers, and operators. The workshop report, RFC 4948, was published at the end of the day. It presented the main findings from the workshop and considered developments since the workshop.

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Hide the SSID

When using WiFi, hiding the SSID is a common practice, but it’s not the only thing you can do. Often, you will see the name of the network displayed on your mobile device or laptop, which means that others can spy on your network. But this practice is not without its disadvantages, too. For starters, it makes it harder to connect to your network. While you can easily find a network with a hidden name, it’s still a major hindrance for legitimate users, as they will need to manually enter the network name on their device.

Using the SSID is also problematic. While many devices are able to connect to networks with a hidden name, they’re still susceptible to hackers. In addition, real hackers use tools that can detect the SSID and crack your network. Tools such as Kismet and Aircrack can detect your network name and optimize your Wi-Fi signal. Therefore, it’s best to use default networking configurations to prevent this problem. In most cases, these devices will allow you to choose a network from a list of available networks.

Before hiding the SSID, you need to change your router’s default password. This password is located on the router’s case. Change it to something you’re comfortable with. If the default password doesn’t protect you from hackers, change it to something more secure. You can also use multiple SSIDs to make your network password-protected. In the case of a wireless router, the default SSID is typically the manufacturer’s name or the name of your ISP.

Change the password regularly

To secure your WiFi connection, change the password regularly. If your password is weak or not unique enough, a hacker can access it and use your network. You also want to avoid putting any financial information on the network. Hackers can also trace your IP address from your internet activity. A good way to keep your network secure is to change the password every few months. If you use your WiFi connection to do business online, change the password regularly.

One way to secure your WiFi is to keep it simple. A strong password is crucial to keeping your data safe. A simple, obvious password is easy to guess. Longer passwords, with several characters, are harder to crack. Try to choose passwords that are unique to your company or home. A good rule of thumb is to use a combination of numbers, letters, and symbols. A complex password, with at least eight characters, is more secure.

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Experts recommend changing the password of your Wi-Fi on a regular basis. This will help keep your personal information safe, as well as your Wi-Fi secure from hackers and other online threats. This is particularly important if you have forgotten your password, or if someone has stolen it. Unauthorized individuals can use your Wi-Fi and take advantage of your data plan. It can lead to an increase in your internet bill.

Whitelist devices using their MAC address

MAC addresses are necessary for local Ethernet or WiFi connection, as they attract people’s interest even when there isn’t any physical connection between them and your router. One way to protect your network is to create a list of valid and known MAC addresses. If you want to secure your WiFi connection, add the MAC addresses of connected devices to the whitelist. After that, you’ll no longer have to worry about intruders accessing your network.

A whitelist is useful for blocking the connection of unauthorized devices from your WiFi. But it should be noted that it is not a good replacement for a strong WPA2 password. A determined attacker can bypass a whitelist without a password. It can give you a false sense of security. A whitelist should be considered one tool among many that will protect your WiFi. To ensure its effectiveness, you should first read a whitelist carefully.

In the admin panel of your router, navigate to the Security or Access Control menu. Once you have this menu, look for a section called MAC address filtering. Then click “Mac address filtering.” You will be able to whitelist devices based on their MAC address. MAC address filtering is an effective way to protect your WiFi network. This method works by comparing a device’s MAC address against a list of approved devices. MAC address filtering is particularly useful for wireless routers because it makes it easier to identify and control unknown devices.


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